We guarantee the proper
functioning of your AVGs

A team of specialists at your disposal.
We know that technical maintenance of complex machines can be a difficulty. In order for you not to worry about equipment malfunction, we offer specialized maintenance services at a low operational cost.
Assembly of Electrical and Control Panels
With trained professionals and attentive to the new demands of the market, in SINOVA gives due importance with a careful look at the particularities of each electrical installation. We respect the safety standards in force, so that the product is totally satisfactory, and that the expectations of operation are met, with SINOVA quality.

Safety Compliance Services
With experience in AGV´s systems, SINOVA provides the analysis service, Risk Assessment and system adequacy to the National and International Safety Standards, bringing tranquility and security to the integrity of all involved. We have refitted your equipment (AGV) with the latest technologies in the market.
AGV System Training
SINOVA has a training and qualification offer for professionals and students, aiming to present the main points related to AGV´s systems projects. This training is given by professionals with vast experience in the area, who work at SINOVA, the largest manufacturer of AGV's in Brazil.
Open 2 classes a year, if interested, send email to: sinova.info@sinova.com.br